4 Favorite Place Ira

My favourite place in childhood was my own house and still it is. Today it is an old house and we lived there long ago, but it left me precious memories about my childhood.
Our house was big and very cosy for us, because we did it according to our taste and following to our desire. There were always smells of tasty food in the kitchen and also many people there: my mother, my father, sisters, relatives and our cat, which also had an active role in cooking food.
As usual houses, our house had a kitchen, hall, living room and two bedrooms. Bedrooms were very big and every room has one big bed. And we used to jump on it singing different songs. And we felt very happy. Also I still remember how we used to play during the whole day, screaming and running from room to room. And then if we would tired and hungry, we could go to the kitchen to eat. At that time the life in our house seemed to me like a paradise.
Unfortunately I have never been there after our removing to another one, but I am sure that nothing would give me again such feelings as my house of light-hearted and happy childhood.

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