Dr. Lisa Sparks
Professor, Dean of the School of Communication
Foster and Mary McGaw Endowed Professor in Behavioral Sciences
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; Health Sciences and Kinesiology
School of Communication; Communication Studies, Health and Strategic Communication
School of Pharmacy
Office Location: Doti Hall 202B
Phone: (714) 997-6703 Email: ude.nampahc|skraps#ude.nampahc|skraps
Website: https://www.chapman.edu/communication/message-from-the-dean.aspx
Ph.D. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, 1998 (with honors).
Major: Communication
Cognate areas: Health Risk Communication, Aging/Life Span Development, Interpersonal/Intergroup, (Intercultural/Intergenerational), Instructional, Research Methodology
M.A. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, 1993 (with honors).
Major: Communication
B.A. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, 1988 (with honors).
Major: Radio/TV/Film, Minors: French & Art History
Study abroad: Université de Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France College International de Cannes, Cannes, France
Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2006-present. Chair, Department of Communication Studies, 2014- Foster and Mary McGaw Endowed Professor in Behavioral Sciences, 2010- Director/Head of Health and Strategic Communication Graduate Program, 2006-2014; Distinguished Presidential Research Fellow, 2009-2010; Presidential Research Fellow, 2007-2009; Joint Faculty Appointment, School of Pharmacy (CUSP), Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus, Irvine, 2014-
University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA, 2008-present. Full Member, Program in Cancer Prevention and Control, Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Research Center (National Cancer Institute-Designated), UC Irvine Medical Center, 2008-; Adjunct Professor, Department of Population Health and Disease Prevention, Program in Public Health, 2009-
VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015-17. CSSS Research Fellow, Faculty Graduate School of Social Sciences and Department of Communication Science.
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, Fall 2012 Sabbatical Leave. Visiting Professor, Department of Communication Studies.
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Fall 2012 Sabbatical Leave. Visiting Professor, Department of Communication.
VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Fall 2012 Sabbatical Leave. Visiting Professor, Department of Communication Science.
University of Lugano/Universita della Svissera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, 2011. Visiting Professor, Graduate Program in Corporate Communication and Health.
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 1999-2006. Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Communication; Affiliated Faculty, National Center for Biodefense; Affiliated Faculty, Center for Social Science Research, 2004-2006; Assistant Professor 2000-2004; Visiting Assistant Professor 1999-2000; Director of General Education Courses, 1999-2006.
National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, 2002. Cancer Communication Research Fellow, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB), Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, 2002.
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, 1998-1999. Assistant Professor of Communication.
American University of Paris, Paris, France, 1998. Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication.
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 1992-1998. Graduate Research Assistant, Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 1997-1998; Graduate Teaching Assistant and Director of General Education Public Speaking Courses, Department of Communication, 1992-1998. Associate Producer/PA/Contributing Anchor, Cable News Network (CNN), Atlanta, GA, 1990-1991. Anchor/Reporter, KTWO TV and Radio, Casper, WY, 1988-1989.
*Health Communication; Cancer Communication Science; Provider-Patient Interaction; Health Risk Communication/Messaging; Health Literacy/Numeracy, Biomedical Communication; Medical Adherence, Family Decision-Making and Caregiving; Interpersonal/Intergroup (Intercultural, Intergenerational) Health Behavior; PatientCentered Communication; Social Identity and Health; Breaking Bad News; Health Information Sources; Public Health Campaigns; Crisis Communication; Aging/Gerontology/Lifespan Development; Health Promotion; Health Disparities; Mental Health Messages and Media; Intercultural/Multicultural/Global Communication and Relations; Persuasion, Language and Social Interaction; Social Support, Social Aggregates/Networks and Social Media; Humor, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Communication Theory; Content Analysis; Focus Groups and Interviewing; Empirical and Applied Research Methods.
*Cited as top ten prolific authors (tied for 7th) in Health Communication, 2012; (see Kim, J.N., Park, S.C., Yoo, S.W., & Shen, H. (2012). Mapping health communication scholarship: Breadth, depth, and agenda of published research in Health Communication. Health Communication, 25, 487-503.
Research Support (Submitted)
R21 Grant Award, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (RFA-CA-14-009) 03/2014-03/2016 Program Name: Using Social Media to Understand and Address Substance Use and Addiction R21. Project Title: Diffusion of ATOD YouTube Intervention through Tight Social Clusters on Facebook. Role: PI (with Multi-PI K. Kee Chapman University) Total Award Amount: 250,000.00
Research Support (Ongoing, Submitted, Resubmitted, or In-Preparation)
Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Grant Award, Washington D.C. 08/3013-08/2016 Project Title: Ovarian Cancer Patient Decision-Aid (PCOA) Role: Consultant (with PI’s L. Wenzel and D. Mukamel, University of California, Irvine) Total Award Amount: 1,967,746.00
R21 Grant Award, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (RFA-PA-13-303) 10/2014-10/2016
Program Name: NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21) Project Title: Culturally grounded message design for HPV vaccination acceptance. Role: PI (with Multi-PI’s B. Brown University of California, Irvine and M. Miller-Day, Chapman University) Total Award Amount: 250,000.00
NIH/NCI Comprehensive Cancer Centers Initiative.
08/2013-07/2016 Project Title: Crusade for Cancer Patient Communication (CCPC). Role: PI (with Multi-Pi’s F. L. Meyskens, University of California, Irvine; D. Alberts, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ)
Completed Research Support
ASCO-Conquer Cancer Foundation Quality of Care Grant Award (ASCO CU11-0001) 07/01/2011-06/30/2014 Project Title: An intervention trial of text messaging to improve patient adherence to adjuvant hormonal therapy. Role: PI (with Co-PI Columbia University, A. Neugut) Total Award Amount: $1.35 million Sub Award Amount: $28,612.00
California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) Grant Award 09/2011-09/2014 Project Title: Statewide Stigma and Discrimination Reduction: Partnering with Media and the Entertainment Industry Role: Evaluation Consultant (with Co-PI’s: B. Dyak, & M. Dyak, Entertainment Industries Council, Burbank, CA and 28 State of California partners) Total Award Amount: $3 million
Sub Award Amount: 75,000.00
Chapman University Faculty Research and Development Scholarly/Creative Activity Grant 2011-2013 Project Title: Serial arguing and health: Longitudinal perspectives. Role: PI (with Co-PI J. Bevan, Chapman University) Total Award Amount: 3500.00
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) 09/01/2004-08/31/2005 Project Title: Hablamos Juntos por Salud: Eliminating the Communications Roadblocks to Quality Health Care for Spanish-Speakers ($40,000) Role: PI (with Co-PI G. L. Kreps,
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA) George Mason University, College of Arts and Sciences, 2002-2005 Role: Co-PI Project Title: Technology across the curriculum: Public speaking and interpersonal communication Technology Across the Curriculum College of Arts and Sciences grant award for incorporating technology across the curriculum for implementation in the General Education Courses (Comm 100-Public Speaking; and Comm 101- Interpersonal and Small Group Communication). Total Award Amount: 60,000.00
George Mason University, Office of the Provost, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication, Fairfax, VA and National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2002. The purpose of this research award was to provide protected time for candidate to participate as a research fellow at the National Cancer Institute during 2002 and to provide time to serve as guest editor of a special issue of Health Communication on Cancer Communication and Aging (2003). Total Award Amount: 19,000.00
George Mason University, Office of the Provost, 2001-2002 Role: PI Project Title: Health Communication The purpose of this research award was to provide protected time for candidate to facilitate, organize, and develop research symposium on Health, Communication, and Aging: Issues and Implications in Cancer Communication and research and editing skills related to guest editorship and manuscripts published in Health Communication: Special Issue on Cancer Communication and Aging (2003). Total Award Amount: 2,500.00
George Mason University, College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Provost, 1999-2001 Role: PI Project Title: Presenting with Technology: The Role of Multi-Media in Public Speaking. The purpose of this grant award was to support faculty research on the development of pedagogical innovations. Total Award Amount: 6,500.00
Glaxo-Wellcome, Inc., Nursing Research Program, Clinical Applications of Research of Glaxo-Wellcome, Inc. 1997- 1998 Role: Research Assistant Project Title: Medication Administration for Dependent Elders The purpose of this research grant award was to understand medication administration by family members of impaired elders in adult day services. Total Award Amount: 200,000.00
PUBLICATIONS (N=140+; Refereed publication unless noted*)
Scholarly Volumes and Textbooks (n=10+)
Sparks, L., & Leahy, A. (submitted). Conversing with Cancer. www.ConversingWithCancer.com
Sparks, L. (in preparation). Communication and caregiving: Family decision-making across the lifespan. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield.
Wright, K. B., Sparks, L., & O’Hair, H. D. (2013). Health communication in the 21st century (2nd). Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Sparks, L., & Villagran, M. (2010). Patient and provider interaction: A global health communication perspective. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.
Sparks, L., & Villagran, M. (2009). Talking Cancer. www.editorialaresta.com
Sparks, L., & Villagran, M. (2008). La Comunicación en el Cancer: Comunicación y apoyo emocional en el laberinto del cancer. [English translation: Communication and emotional support in the cancer maze.] Madrid, Spain: Aresta.
Wright, K. B., Sparks, L., & O’Hair, H. D. (2008). Health communication in the 21st century. Oxford, England: Blackwell.
Sparks, L., O’Hair, H. D., & Kreps, G. L. (Eds.) (2008). Cancer, communication and aging. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
O’Hair, H. D., Kreps, G. L., & Sparks, L. (Eds.) (2007). Handbook of communication and cancer care. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Struppa, D. C., & Sparks, L. (2007). The savvy fundraiser: A practical guide to university fundraising for (new) Deans and other administrators. Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.
Sparks, L. (2005). Communication research style manual: A short and savvy approach to conducting research. Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press. Sparks, L. (2004). Speak Up! Cincinnati, OH: Thomson Learning.
Articles, Chapters, and Reviews (n=90+)
Kee, K., Sparks, L., Struppa, D.C., Manucci, M., & Damiano, A. (in press/2015). Innovation diffusion, social media, and the simplicial model of social aggregation: Computational simulation of cluster traversers for community health interventions. Health Communication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2014.960061
Weber, K. A., Sparks, L. & LaBelle, S. (2015). The development and testing of a health specific subjective numeracy measure. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Sparks, L. (in press/2015). Social identity and cancer communication science. In J. Harwood, & H. Giles (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication (pp. xx-xx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sparks, L. (in press/2015). Language and messaging in the patient and provider interaction. In J. Harwood, & H. Giles (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication (pp. xx-xx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sparks, L. (in press/2015). Age group identity and family decision-making in the caregiving context. In (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication (pp. xx-xx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Burgers, C., Beukeboom, C.J., Sparks, L., & Diepeveen, V. (2015). How (not) to inform patients about drug use: Use and effects of negations in Dutch patient information leaflets. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 24(2), 137-143. doi: 10.1002/pds.3679.
Bevan, J. L., Cummings, M. B., & Sparks, L. (2015). A longitudinal test of the serial argument process model: Implications for stress and physical health symptoms. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Duncan, T., Massey, E., & Sparks, L. (2015). The evolution of health care communication in the 21st century. Hauppauge, NY: NOVA Science Publishers.
Kreps, G. L., & Sparks, L. (in press/2015). Cancer communication. In G. A. Colditz & J. G. Golson (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society (2nd) (pp. xx-xx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Bevan, J., Cummings, M., Engert, M., & Sparks, L. (in press/2015). The state of serial argument research: Taking a step back, and a look forward. In J. Samp (Ed.) Communicating Interpersonal Conflict in Close Relationships: Contexts, Challenges and Opportunities. New York and Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
Kreps, G. L., & Sparks, L. (in press/2015). National Cancer Institute. In G. A. Colditz & J. G. Golson (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society (2nd) (pp. xx-xx). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sparks, L., Hefner, V., & Rogeness, A. H. (2015). The state of cancer care communication across the lifespan: The role of resilience, hope, and decision-making. T. Socha and G. Beck (Eds.) Communicating Hope and Resilience across the Lifespan. New York & Berlin, Peter Lang.
Brown, B., & Sparks, L. (2015). Awareness of HPV, cervical cancer, and cancer prevention among low-income Hispanic women. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
Sparks, L., & Miller-Day, M. (2014). Methodological approaches to eliminating health disparities. In B. Whaley (Ed.) Research Methods in Health Communication: Principles and Application (pp. 318-336). New York and Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis.
Bevan, J. L., Gomez, R., & Sparks, L. (2014). Disclosures about important life events on Facebook: Relationships with stress and quality of life. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 246-253.
Robertson, B., Sparks, L., & Gordon, A. (2014). Health care reform: Value differences between liberal and conservative candidates and voters. "AlieNation: The Divide and Conquer Election of 2012." Peter Lang. Sparks, L. (2014). Family caregiving. In W. Donsbach (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 4, (pp 488-490). Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sparks, L. (2014). Social identity and health: An intergroup approach. In W. Donsbach (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 4, (pp 1287-1290). Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sparks, L. & Bevan, J. L. (2014). Distance caregiving. In W. Donsbach (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 4, (pp 365-367). Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sparks, L., Kee, K., & Struppa, D. C. (2014). Social aggregates in health contexts. In W. Donsbach (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 4, (pp 1272-1274). Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: WileyBlackwell.
Tukachinsky, R., Hefner, V., & Sparks, L. (2014). Mental health depictions in entertainment television content: Entertainment Industry Council 2013-2014 project report. Unpublished research report.
Bevan, J., & Sparks, L. (2013). The relationship between accurate and benevolently biased serial argument perceptions and individual negative health perceptions. Communication Research, (1-25). DOI: 10.1177/0093650212438391
Sparks, L. (2013). Health communication and caregiving research, policy, and practice. Caregiving across the professions: A multi-disciplinary, coordinated perspective (pp. 131-175). Springer.
Kreps, G.L., Kim, P., Sparks, L., Neuhauser, L., Daugherty, C.G., Canzona, M.R., Kim, W., & Jun, J. (2013). Promoting Effective Health Advocacy to Promote Global Health: The Case of the Global Advocacy Leadership Academy (GALA). International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 5(1 & 2), 66-78.
Bevan, J. L., Sparks, L., Ernst, J., Francies, J., & Santora, N. (2013). Information sources in relation to information quality, information-seeking, and uncertainty in the context of healthcare reform. In R. Ahmed & B. R. Bates (Eds.), Health Communication and Mass Media: Applying Research to Public Health Policy and Practice (pp. 19-34). Farnham, UK: Gower Publishers.
Kee, K., Mannucci, M., Sparks, L., & Struppa, D. C., (2013). Social groups, social media, and higher dimensional social structures: A simplicial model of social aggregation for computational communication research. Communication Quarterly, 61(1), 35-58. DOI: 10.1080/01463373.2012.719566
Bevan, J., Vreeburg, S. K., Verdugo, S., & Sparks, L. (2012). Interpersonal conflict and health perception in longdistance caregiving relationships. Journal of Health Communication 1-15. DOI:10.1080/10810730.2011.650829.
Kreps, G. L., Kim, P., Sparks, L., Neuhauser, L, Daugherty, C. G., Canzona, M. R., Kim, W., & Jun, J. (2013). Introducing the Global Advocacy Leadership Academy (GALA): Training health advocates around the world to champion the needs of health care consumers. In G. L. Kreps, & P. Dini, (Eds.), Global health 2012: The first international conference on global health challenges (pp. 97-100). Wilmington, DE: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA).
Bevan, J., Vreeburg, S. K., Verdugo, S., & Sparks, L. (2012). Interpersonal conflict and health perception in longdistance caregiving relationships. Journal of Health Communication 1-15. DOI:10.1080/10810730.2011.650829.
Sparks, L., Bevan, J. & Rogers, K. (2012). An intergroup communication approach to understanding the function of compliance, outgroup typicality, and honest explanations in distant caregiving relationships from an intergroup approach: Validation of a health care communication scale. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 5, 12-22.
Kreps, G., Kim, P., & Sparks, L. (2012). Developing advocacy organizations to support the needs of people confronting cancer: The cancer advocacy leadership academy. Asia Pacific Journal of Communication.
Burgers, C., Beukeboom, C. J., & Sparks, L. (2012). How the doc should (not) talk: When negations influence psychosocial outcomes of doctor-patient interactions. Patient Education and Counseling, 89(2), 267-273 doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2012.08.008.
Rakovski, C., Sparks, L., Robinson, J. D., Kee, K., Bevan, J., & Agne, R. (2012). A regression-based study using jackknife replicates of HINTS III data: Predictors of the efficacy of health information seeking. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 5(3), 163-170.
Mirkiani Thompson, N., Bevan, J., & Sparks, L. (2011). Healthcare reform information-seeking: Relationships with uncertainty, uncertainty discrepancy, and health self-efficacy. Journal of Communication in Health Care, 5, 56-66.
Bevan, J., Rogers, K., Andrews, N., & Sparks, L. (2011). Topic avoidance and negative health perceptions in the distant caregiving context. Journal of Family Communication, 12(4), 300-314.
Bevan, J., Jupin, A., & Sparks, L. (2011). Information quality, uncertainty, and quality of care in long distance caregiving. Communication Research Reports, 28(2), 190-195. DOI:10.1080/08824096.2011.566105
Bevan, J., & Sparks, L. (2011). Communication in the context of long-distance family caregiving. An integrated review and practical applications. Patient Education and Counseling, 85, 26-30.
Joseph, R. M., Sparks, L., & Robinson, J. D. (2010). Diabetes, foot health education and amputation prevention. Health Communication, 25(6), 607-608. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2010.496841
Kreps, G. L., Sparks, L. & Villagran, M. (Eds.) (2010). Editor’s introduction: Communication education and health promotion. Communication Education, 59(3), 215-219.
Kreps, G. L., Sparks, L. & Villagran, M. (Eds.) (2010). Communication education and health promotion. [Special Issue]. Communication Education, 59(3).
Villagran, M. M., Weathers, M. Keefe, B., & Sparks, L. (2010). Medical providers as global warming and climate change health educators: A health literacy approach. Communication Education, 59(3), 312-327.
Sparks, L. & Brougham, R. R. (2010). Health Literacy and older adults: Understanding motivational, cognitive, and emotional barriers. In R.R. Brougham (Ed.), New Directions in Aging Research: Health and Cognition. New York: NOVA Science Publishers.
Villagran, M. M., & Sparks, L. (2010). Social identity and health contexts. In H. Giles, S. Reid, & J. Harwood (Eds.), The dynamics of intergroup communication (pp. 235-248). New York & Berlin: Peter Lang.
Wanzer, M., Sparks, L., & Frymier, A. B. (2009). Humorous communication within the lives of older adults: The relationships among humor, coping efficacy, age, and life satisfaction. Health Communication, 24, 1-9.
Sparks, L. (2008). Family decision-making. In W. Donsbach (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 4, (pp. 1729-1733). Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Brougham, R.R., Sparks, L., & John, R., Ruby, C., & Goodman, E. (2008). Future time perspective, smoking behavior, and age. Gerontologist, 48, 14-15.
Kreps, G.L., Neuhauser, L., Sparks, L., & Villagran, M. (Eds.) (2008). Translational community-based health communication interventions to promote cancer prevention and control for vulnerable audiences [Special Issue] Patient Education and Counseling, 71(3), 315-350.
Kreps, G.L., Neuhauser, L., Sparks, L., Villagran, M. (2008). The power of community-based health communication interventions to promote cancer prevention and control for at-risk populations. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(3), 315-318.
Kreps, G. L., & Sparks, L. (2008). Meeting the health literacy needs of vulnerable populations. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(3), 328-332.
Sparks, L., & Nussbaum, J. F. (2008). Health literacy and cancer communication with older adults. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(3), 345-350.
Collins, D., Villagran, M. M., & Sparks, L. (2008). Crossing borders, crossing cultures: Barriers to cancer prevention and treatment along the U.S./Mexico border. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(3), 333-339.
Rowan, K. E., Kreps, G. L., Botan, C. H., Sparks, L., Samoilenko, S., & Bailey, C. (2008). Responding to terrorism: Risk communication, crisis communication, and the CAUSE model. In H. D. O’Hair, R. L. Heath, K. J. Ayotte, and G. R. Ledlow (Eds.), Terrorism: Communication and rhetorical perspectives.
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. O’Hair, H. D., & Sparks, L. (2008). Relational agency during life-threatening illnesses. In K. B. Wright & S. D. Moore (Eds.), Applied health communication (pp. 271-289).
Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Pecchioni, L., Krieger, J. C., Sparks, L., Pitts, M., & Ota, H. (2008). Investigating cancer and ageing from a cultural perspective. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 239- 257). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Sparks, L., O’Hair, H. D. & Kreps, G. L. (2008). Conceptualizing cancer communication and aging: New directions for research. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 1-14). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Sparks, L., & Harwood, J. (2008). Cancer, aging, and social identity: Development of an integrated model of social identity theory and health communication. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 77-95). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Sparks, L., & Turner, M. M. (2008). Cognitive and emotional processing of cancer messages and information seeking with older adults. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 17-45). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Egbert, N., Sparks, L., Kreps, G. L., & du Pré, A. (2008). Finding meaning in the journey: Methods of spiritual coping for aging cancer patients. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 277-292). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Harzold, B., & Sparks, L. (2008). When the parent has cancer: A life span developmental approach to adult child perceptions of communication competency, humor orientation, and relational satisfaction in the older adult parent-adult child relationship. In L. Sparks, H. D. O’Hair, & G. L. Kreps, (Eds.), Cancer communication and aging (pp. 215-235). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Sparks, L., & McPherson, J. (2007). Cross-cultural differences in choices of health information by older cancer patients and their family caregivers. In K. B. Wright & S. D. Moore (Eds.), Applied health communication (pp. 179-205). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Sparks, L., Villagran, M. M., Parker-Raley, J., & Cunningham, C. B. (2007). A patient centered approach to breaking bad news: Communication guidelines for healthcare professionals. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35, 177-196. DOI: 10.1080/00909880701262997
Sparks, L. (2007). Editor’s coda. Communication Research Reports, 24, 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08824090701624122
Harzold, E., & Sparks, L. (2007). Adult child perceptions of communication and humor when the parent is diagnosed with cancer: A suggestive perspective from communication theory. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 7, 67-78.
Sparks, L. (2007). Cancer care and the aging patient: Complexities of age-related communication barriers. In H. D. O’Hair, G. L. Kreps & L. Sparks (Eds.), Handbook of communication and cancer care (pp. 233-249). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
O’Hair, H. D., Kreps, G. L., & Sparks, L., (2007). Conceptualizing cancer care and communication. In H. D. O’Hair, G. L. Kreps & L. Sparks (Eds.), Handbook of communication and cancer care (pp. 1-12). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Pecchioni, L., & Sparks, L. (2007). Health information sources of individuals with cancer and their family members. Health Communication, 21, 143-151. Sparks, L., & Hill, L. B. (2005). Personal relationships across the lifespan: A suggestive perspective from communication theory. Intercultural Communication Studies, XIV, 158-171.
Sparks, L., Kreps, G. L., Botan, C., & Rowan, K. (2005). Responding to terrorism: Translating communication research into practice. Communication Research Reports, 22, 1-5.
Sparks, L., Kreps, G. L., Botan, C., & Rowan, K. (Eds.). (2005). Communication and terrorism [Special Issue]. Communication Research Reports, 22(1).
Kreps, G.L., Alibek, K., Bailey, C., Neuhauser, L., Rowan, K., & Sparks, L. (2005). Emergency/risk communication to promote public health and respond to biological threats. In M. Haider (Ed.), Global public health communication: Challenges, perspectives, and strategies (pp. 349-362). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Sparks, L. (2005). Social identity and perceptions of terrorist groups: How others see them and how they see themselves. In H. D. O'Hair, R. L. Heath, & G. R. Ledlow (Eds.), Community preparedness and response to terrorism: Communication and the media (pp. 13-28). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Kreps, G. L., Alibek, K., Bailey, C., Neuhauser, L., Rowan, K. E., & Sparks, L. (2005). The critical role of communication in preparing for biological threats: Prevention, mobilization, and response. In H. D. O'Hair, R. Heath, & G. Ledlow (Eds.), Community preparedness and response to terrorism: Communication and the media, (pp. 191-210). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Sparks, L., Travis, S., & Thompson, S. (2005). Listening for the communicative signals of humor, narratives, and selfdisclosure in the family caregiving interview. Health and Social Work, 30, 340-343.
O’Hair, H. D., Thompson, S., & Sparks, L. (2005). Negotiating cancer care through communication. In E. B. Ray (Ed). Health communication in practice: A case study approach, (pp. 81-94). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sparks, L., & Mittapalli, K. (2004). To know or not to know: The case of communication by and with older adult Russians diagnosed with cancer. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 19, 383-403.
Pecchioni, L., Ota, H., & Sparks, L. (2004). Cultural issues in communication and aging (2nd). In J. F. Nussbaum, & J. Coupland (Eds.), Handbook of communication and aging research (pp. 167-207).
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Sparks, L., Villagran, M. M., & Boileau, D. (2004). Students’ reaction to the first day of class: Effectiveness in the communication classroom. Inventio, 6(1).
Sparks, L. (Ed.). (2003). Cancer communication and aging [Special Issue]. Health Communication, 15(2).
Sparks, L. (2003). An introduction to cancer communication and aging: Theoretical and research insights. Health Communication, 15, 123-132.
Harwood, J., & Sparks, L. (2003). Social identity and health: An intergroup communication approach to cancer. Health Communication, 15, 145-170.
Rowan, K., Sparks, L., Pecchioni, L., & Villagran, M. (2003). The CAUSE model: A research supported aid for physicians communicating about cancer risk. Health Communication, 15, 239-252.
Sparks-Bethea, L. (2002). The impact of an older adult parent on communicative satisfaction and dyadic adjustment in the long-term marital relationship: Adult children and spouses’ retrospective accounts. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 30, 107-125.
Muir, S., Sparks-Bethea, L., Thompson, S., Moss, J., & Hersey, M. (2002). Integrating technology as an effective instructional feedback tool: Using macros for general education courses and large lecture classes. Inventio,4.
Sparks-Bethea, L. (2001). Older adults’ perceptions of ageism in television news. Journal of Development Communication, 12, 28-41.
Sparks-Bethea, L. (2001). The function of humor within the lives of older adults. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 2, 49-56.
Travis, S. S., & Sparks-Bethea, L. (2001). Medication administration by family members of dependent elders in shared care arrangements. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 7(3), 231-243.
Sparks-Bethea, L., Travis, S. S., & Pecchioni, L. L. (2000). Family caregivers’ use of humor in conveying information about caring for dependent older adults. Health Communication, 12, 361-376.
Travis, S., Sparks-Bethea, L., & Winn, P. (2000). Medication hassles reported by family caregivers of dependent elders. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 55A, 7, M412-M417.
Sparks-Bethea, L. & Balazs, A. (1997). Improving intergenerational healthcare communication. Journal of Health Communication, 2, 129-137.
Williams, A., Coupland, J., Folwell, A., & Sparks, L. (1997) Talking about Generation X: “Defining them as they define themselves." Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 16, 251-277.
Folwell, A. F., Chung, L. C., Nussbaum, J. F., Sparks, L., & Grant, J. (1997). Differential accounts of closeness in older adult sibling relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 14, 843-849.
Sparks, L., & Balazs, A. (1996). Communication patterns between health care providers and older patients. In M. L. Ruwe and J. John (Eds.), Advances in health care research (pp. 42-48). Park City, UT: American association for advances in healthcare research.
Nussbaum, J. F., Bergstrom, M., & Sparks, L. (1996). The institutionalized elderly: Interactive implications of longterm care. In E. Ray (Ed.), Communication and disenfranchisement: Social health issues and implications (pp. 219-232). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Nussbaum, J. F., Sparks, L., & Bergstrom, M. (1996). Elder care: Different paths within an extended American family. In E. Ray (Ed.), Case studies in communication and disenfranchisement: Applications to social health issues (pp. 99-108). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (n=40+)
Since 1995, Dr. Sparks has also published more than 40 student-centered handbooks, instructor’s resource manuals, and teaching ideas for general education basic courses (e.g., public speaking, interpersonal and small group communication, research methods). Such materials are not peer-reviewed but are anthologies that are edited, created, compiled, and provided as additional teaching materials for instructors and their students with the purpose of enriching the student learning experience across the curriculum.
Sparks-Bethea, L. (1998). The communicative impact of an older adult parent on the adult-child/spouse long-term marital relationship. Directed by Dr. Jon F. Nussbaum at the University of Oklahoma.
Sparks, L. (1993). The communicative contribution of humor within the lives of the elderly. Directed by Dr. Jon F. Nussbaum at the University of Oklahoma.
Conference Papers: Competitively selected, top-ranked, and short courses (n=100+)
Since 1994, Dr. Sparks has presented hundreds of competitively selected, invited, top-ranked research papers, panels, and short courses on a variety of issues in Health Risk, Communication, and Aging for the following organizations: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG), European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH); Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA); International Communication Association (ICA), National Communication Association (NCA), Eastern Communication Association (ECA), Western States Communication Association (WSCA), Central States Communication Association (CSCA), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), American Public Health Association (APHA), International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD), Gerontological Society of America, Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS), International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, American Association for Advances in Health Care Research, and the International Conference on Language and Social Psychology (ICLASP) at locations throughout the world including the United States, London, Amsterdam/Leeswarden, Netherlands, Lugano, Switzerland; Dresden, Germany; Seoul, Korea; Vancouver, B. C.; Montreal, Canada; Sydney, Australia; Singapore, Norway, and Italy.
Invited Lectures, Media, and Other Professional Experience
2016, Invited Keynote Speaker, Cognitive approaches to health messaging. Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH). Maastrict University, Maastrict, Netherlands, January 29-30, 2016.
2015-2017, Presenting to lay audiences: Translating academic language into application. VU Amsterdam, 2015-17.
2015, Effectively engaging your target audience: Moving from intergroup to interpersonal conversations across cultures. Entrepreneur Organization, Orange County Chapter. Chapman University, Orange, CA.
2015, Family Caregiving: The Unspoken. Chapman University, Orange, CA. 2014, Mixed Messages on Ebola. Orange County Register, Chapman University Section (p.2) (November 3, 2014), Orange County, CA.
2014, Creating a Healthy Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient
http://www.latimes.com/brandpublishing/businessplus/chapmanu/la-ss-lisa-sparks-20140402- dto,0,2272893.story#ixzz2yt0TEq1Y
2014, Teaching Professionals the Art of Health Communication http://www.latimes.com/brandpublishing/businessplus/chapmanu/la-ss-health-communication-20140402- dto,0,542181.story#axzz2yt04ivgF
2013, Invited speaker: Health care communication in the 21st century: Barriers and solutions. Bridges Maternal Child Health Network, Garden Grove, CA, June 11, 2013.
2013, Invited speaker: Why health communication can change (SAVE) your life. 2013 TEDxCHAPMAN, Chapman University, Orange, CA, June 4, 2013. Lisa Sparks http://youtu.be/1plLYlt9zPM
2013, Invited speaker: Community-Based Health Campaigns: Be An Innovator! Nicholas Academy, Santa Ana, CA, May 11, 2013.
2013, Preventing gun violence: More than a legal issue, it’s become a public health concern. Orange County Register, Chapman University Section (p.2) (April 30, 2013), Orange County, CA.
2013, Research Presentation of Distinction Award: Communicating to improve cancer outcomes. Development of text messages designed to improve patient adherence to adjuvant breast cancer hormonal therapy (co-authors G. Clarke Hillyer, D. L. Hershman, C. E. Basch, M. McCabe, D. Z. Rotsides, & A. I. Neugut), DCHC conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, March 26, 2013. 2013, Invited speaker: Effectively communicating with your target audience: The savvy scientist (bioengineer). Edwards Lifesciences Center for Advanced Cardiovascular Technology, University of California, Irvine, CA, March 9, 2013. 2012, Best paper award: Introducing Global Advocacy Leadership Academy (GALA): Training Health Advocates Around the World to Champion the Needs of Health Care Consumers, by G.L. Kreps, P. Kim, L. Sparks, L. Neuhauser, C. Daugherty, M. R. Canzona, W. Kim, J. Jun. presented at the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, Venice, Italy, October, 21-26, 2012.
2013, Invited speaker: Health care communication policy and practice: Translating theory and research into application. University of California, Santa Barbara colloquium series, February 8, 2013.
2012, Invited speaker: Health care communication policy and practice: Translating theory and research into application. VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2012.
2012, Invited speaker: Public health campaigns from local to global: An intergroup communication approach. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 2-5, 2012.
2012, Invited speaker: Interdisciplinary approaches to integrating social media into public health communication campaigns: Evidence-based perspectives. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, October 8-12, 2012.
2012, Invited speaker: Using social media to recruit into SWOG studies. Southwest Oncology Group Bi-Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 19, 2012.
2012, Invited speaker: Health communication and health literacy: A community-based participatory perspective. Rotary Club of Orange, Orange, CA, August 16, 2012.
2012, Invited speaker: Effectively communicating with your target audience: The savvy scientist (engineerϑ. Edwards Life Sciences, Irvine, CA, March 9, 2012.
2011, Invited speaker: Health risk messages and decision-making. 2011 TEDx OrangeCoast, Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, Costa Mesa, CA, May 19, 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4JNyyuonko
2011, Invited keynote speaker: 2011 Annual Bay Area Undergraduate Communication Research Conference (cosponsored by University of San Francisco, San Jose State University, San Francisco State University, and Santa Clara University), San Jose, CA, April, 2011.
2011, Invited speaker: Health messages and media literacy. Nicholas Academy, Santa Ana, CA, March, 2011.
2011, Invited speaker: Sunscreen protection health messages to increase adherence. Skin SPORE retreat, University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, AZ, February, 2011.
2011, Invited speaker: Health messages and medical adherence: Approaches to consider. Cervical Cancer Translational Working Group, University of California, Irvine, 2011.
2010, Invited speaker: Health Messages and HPV acceptance among underserved populations. Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center/NCI Designated Research Retreat, University of California, Irvine, 2010.
2009, Invited speaker: Communicating about cancer risk. University of California, Irvine, 2009.
2009, Invited speaker: Communicating about risk: Health literacy and numeracy. Schmid College of Science lecture forum, Chapman University, 2009.
2009, Invited speaker: Social support and health communication: Intergroup approaches to cancer communication science. University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 2009.
2009, Invited distinguished facilitator: Picture This: A Local Approach to Mental Health in Los Angeles, Fox 11 KTTV station, Los Angeles, CA, 2009.
2009, Invited speaker: Translational community-based health communication interventions to promote cancer prevention and control for at-risk populations: Conceptualizing future research directions. Southwest Oncology Group: A National Clinical Research Group, Health Disparities Committee, 2009.
2009-, Invited judge and scientific consultant: Selected to serve on nomination review committee for PRISM awards sponsored by 20th Century FOX and Entertainment Industries Council, Los Angeles, CA, 2009-present.
2008, Invited speaker: Conceptualizing Cancer Communication Science: New Directions for Research. University of California, Irvine, Chao Family NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center annual retreat, Rancho Mirage, CA, 2008.
2008, Invited speaker, How Health Communications Turned Cardiovascular Prevention into a Reality. Special Session: Achieving the Potential of Chemoprevention. Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Washington, DC, 2008.
2008, Invited speaker, What is Health Communication?: The Impact of Health Communication on Public Health. University of California-Irvine, Department of Epidemiology (PUBHLTH1 Principles of Public Health course), School of Medicine, Irvine, CA, 2008.
2008, Invited speaker and senior scientific consultant, Health Communication and Family Caregiving: The Mental Health Media Blueprint. Entertainment Industries Council Think Tank and U.S. Congressional Mental Healthcare Briefing on Bipolar Disorder and Health Communication, Library of Congress, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, 2008.
2008, Invited speaker, Health Communication and Epidemiology: Translating Evidence-Based Research into Policy and Practice. University of California-Irvine, Department of Epidemiology Colloquium Series, School of Medicine, Irvine, CA, 2008.
2008, Invited roundtable discussant, Urban Land Institute Orange County Local Government Commission, “Building Healthier Communities Initiative: The Nexus between Health and Land Development.” Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2008.
2007, Invited TV guest, Health Communication Across the Continuum of Cancer Care. Dialogue with Doti. KOCE-TV series, Orange County, CA, 2007. Invited co-speaker (with G. L. Kreps), Strategies for applying for NIH funding. Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2007.
2006, Invited speaker, Strategies for radicalizing and publishing research in academic journals. Health Communication Preconference, National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, 2006.
2006, Invited speaker, Listening for the communicative signals of humor, narratives, and self-disclosure in the family caregiver interview. George Mason University Spotlight Speaker Series, Virginia Hospital Center, Arlington, VA, 2006.
2006, Invited speaker, National Institutes of Health Scientific Review Process. Center for Social Science Research Colloquia, George Mason University, 2006.
2006, Invited speaker, Responding to Terrorism: Communication and Crisis Management, The Optimist Club of Alexandria at the Belle Haven Country Club, Alexandria, VA, 2006.
2006, Invited speaker, Content analysis as methodology. Center for Social Science Research Colloquia, George Mason University, 2006.
2005, Invited speaker, Cancer, Communication and Cognition: Message Processing among Older Adults Facing Serious Illnesses. Center for Social Science Research Colloquia, George Mason University, 2005.
2003, Invited speaker, The Savvy Speaker: Tips and Tricks for Effectively Integrating Technology into Speeches. The College of Arts and Sciences Spotlight Demonstrations: Technology and Humanities. George Mason University, 2003.
2002, Invited speaker, Healthcare providers communicative approaches to ‘breaking bad news’ in diagnoses of cancer: Cross-cultural approaches. INOVA Fairfax Hospital Life for Cancer Center, Fairfax, VA, 2002.
2001, Invited co-speaker (with Kathy Rowan), Communicating Health Science Issues and Research to the Public. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2001.
2001, Invited speaker, Effective communicative approaches for medical professionals: From the physician-patient encounter to speaking on healthcare policy. American Medical Student Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., 2001.
Editor, Communication Research Reports, 2005-2007.
Guest Editor, Health Communication, 2003; Patient Education and Counseling, 2008; Communication Education, 2010.
Editorial Board, Health Communication (Editor, Teri Thompson), Journal of Applied Communication Research (Editor, Tim Sellnow; Editor, Laura Stafford), Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, (Editor, Kevin Wright), Communication Quarterly (Editor, Janette Muir), Communication Research Reports (Editors, Wendy Samter, Ted Avtgis), Communication Studies (Editor, Jim Query); The Open Communication Journal; Review of Communication (Editor, Ronald Arnett).
Guest Editorial Board Member, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Communication Studies, Journal of Business Research, Patient Education and Counseling; Social Marketing Quarterly.
Manuscript Reviewer, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, The Gerontologist, Psychology and Health, Human Communication Research, The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Research on Aging, Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Communication Education, Virginia Journal of Communication, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Psycho-Oncology, Geriatric Nursing, Atlantic Journal of Communication, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Communication Research, Public Health.
Selected to serve at International Research Fellow, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015-17.
Invited to serve as Member, Healthy People 2020 Health Communication and Health IT working group. Healthypeople.gov, 2010.
Invited to serve as National Scientific Advisor, Entertainment and Media Communication Institute (EMCI) Center for Sun Safety and Skin Cancer Prevention in partnership with the Sun Safety Alliance (SSA), Entertainment Industries Council, Burbank, CA and Reston, VA, 2008-. (EIC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 by leaders in the entertainment industry to provide information, awareness and understanding of major health and social issues among the entertainment industries and to audiences at large.
Invited to serve on Faculty Advisory Board, Schmid College of Science, Chapman University, 2009- Invited to serve as Board Member, Chamber Music OC, Orange County, CA, 2013-
Invited to serve as Faculty Advisor, Public Health Brigades, Chapman University ongoing project to improve health living conditions in underserved parts of the world (Honduras), 2009-
Invited to serve on Advisory Board, STATS, Washington, D.C., 2009. Invited to serve as Senior Scientific Advisor, Entertainment Industries Council Congressional Mental Healthcare Briefing, U. S. House of Representatives, Library of Congress, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., 2008.
Invited to serve as Founding Senior Scientific Research Fellow, Understanding Bi-Polar Disorders Think Tank. Entertainment Industries Council, Burbank, CA and Reston, VA, 2008-. (EIC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 by leaders in the entertainment industry to provide information, awareness and understanding of major health and social issues among the entertainment industries and to audiences at large.
Invited to serve as member of the Southwest Oncology Group: A National Clinical Research Group, 2008-.
Invited to serve as Executive Scientific Director, Center for Media and Public Affairs www.cmpa.com, West coast branch, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2009-2010.
Invited to serve as Inaugural President and Advisory Board Chair of Kappa Alpha Theta-Sigma Eta chapter, Chapman University, 2008-.
Development leader of a proposal for a new Master of Science in Health Communication, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2007-2008.
Selected to serve as member of Health Sciences Task Force, to create new innovative interdisciplinary degrees (B.S. in Health Sciences and M.S. in Health Communication), Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2007-.
Facilitator and Coordinator, Health Literacy Across the Continuum of Cancer Care. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Chapman University, 2007.
Selected to serve as a Faculty Advisor to the Sorority Extension Committee for the Office of Greek Life, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 2007-. Selected to serve on Advisory Board, WAKAPA Corporation, Washington, DC, 2006-.
Development leader of a proposal for a new Ph.D. educational program in Health and Strategic Communication, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 2005-2007.
Selected to serve on Partnership for Anthrax Vaccine Education on Capacity Building for BioTerrorism Preparedness, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL 2005- HYPERLINK "http://www.anthraxinfo.org" www.anthraxinfo.org
Invited to serve as MCAT test reviewer and consultant to assess interpersonal communication competencies for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Educational Testing Service (ETS), 2004. HYPERLINK "http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/research/comskillfaq.htm" http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/research/comskillfaq.htm
Invited to serve on Citizens Task Force for Long Term Care of Fairfax County, Virginia, Access Committee Member, 2004-2006.
Invited to serve as Affiliated faculty Member, George Mason University Center for Biodefense, 2004-2006.
Invited to serve as Affiliated faculty Member, George Mason University Center for Social Science Research, 2004- 2006.
Invited to serve as Cancer Communication Research Fellow Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2002.
Invited to serve as Affiliated faculty Member, George Mason University Women’s Studies Program, 2002-2006.
Invited to serve as External Scientific Reviewer, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2000-.
Facilitator and Coordinator, Health, Communication, and Aging Symposium on Cancer Communication. Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, George Mason University, 2002.
Graduate Advisory Committee, Department of Communication, George Mason University, 2002-2006.
Innovations 2001 Corporate Adaptability Award for “Most Effective Corporate Interaction”-$100.00 “Presenting with Technology: What is effective and what is ineffective?”
College of Arts and Sciences Council, George Mason University, 2000-2002.
Secured and negotiated more than $200,000.00 funding for the Communication Foundation via general education and core course workbook contracts, 2000-2006.
Adjunct Evaluation Committee, Department of Communication, George Mason University, 2000-2004.
Director & Co-founder, Annual Public Speaking Camp for 6th -12th graders, George Mason University, 2000-2003.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, University of Oklahoma Department of Communication, 1996.
Student teaching evaluation scores are often considered a major source of teaching critique and have been utilized in all the departments with which I have been affiliated. My scores in these evaluations consistently rank higher than both the department and the university averages with scores often reaching 5.0. I am committed to the reflexive nature of bringing current research into the classroom and taking collaborative ideas derived from interaction with students back out into the community on both the graduate and undergraduate levels. On the graduate level, I have demonstrated a commitment to guiding students through the more advanced stages of understanding and engaging in the entire laborious yet exciting research process moving them from conference level research presentations to, in many cases, publication. On the undergraduate level, I love engaging students in the research process as well and take them as far as they are willing to go.
Patient and Provider Interaction, Health/Risk Communication Campaigns, Risk/Crisis Communication, Theories of Health Communication; Theories of Interpersonal Communication; Research Methods; Social Marketing; Content Analysis; Communication and Social Change; Diffusion of Innovations; Communication and Negotiations in Employee Relations; Communication in Conflict Management; Intercultural Communication; Communication Theory; Instructional Communication.
Introduction to Health Communication; Advanced Health Communcation; Health Campaigns; Research Methods; Strategic and Corporate Communication; Interpersonal/Relational Communication; Intercultural Communication, (Inter)Group Communication, Health and Media Literacy, Persuasive Public Campaigns and Persuasion; Language and Communication; Principles of Communication Theory; Presenting with Technology; Public Speaking (Honors); Communication & Social Change; Communication & Argumentation.
Oncology Group: A National Clinical Research Group (SWOG), 2008-
Invited Speaker, Health Disparities and Outcomes Committee
Invited Speaker, Cancer Survivorship Committee
Invited to serve on Health Disparities and Outcomes Committee
Invited to serve on Survivorship Committee
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB), Behavioral Research Program (BRP), Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS), Bethesda, MD, 2000-
Selected to serve as Cancer Communication Research Fellow, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB), Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, 2002.
Invited to serve as External/Ad Hoc Scientific Reviewer, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2000-.
Invited to Health Information National Trends Survey Conference, Pasadena, CA, 2007.
Invited to Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communiction (CECCR) Initiative CECCR Grantee Meeting: From Innovation to Dissemination, Atlanta, GA, 2008.
National Communication Association (Life Member), 1992-
Selected to serve as Golden Anniversary Monograph Award Committee Member, 2015-
Nominated to serve as Vice-Chair Elect Select (President, 4 year term) by Nominating Committee, Legislative Council, 2012.
Top Ranked Research Paper Panel: Applied Communication Division, 2008.
Selected to serve on Nominating Committee, 2005-2007
Selected to serve as Division Chair, Communication and Aging Division, 2003-04
Selected to serve as Vice-Chair, Communication and Aging Division, 2002-03
Selected to serve as Vice-Chair Elect, Communication and Aging Division, 2001-02
Invited to serve as Tellers Committee Member, Washington, DC, 2002-2005
Top Three Research Paper: Communication Administration Division of the National Communication Association, 2002.
Top Four Research Paper: Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association, 1995.
Invited to serve as Manuscript Reviewer, Panel Member, Chair, Lead Speaker, and/or Respondent, (Communication and Aging, Health Communication, and Applied Communication Divisions), 1992-
International Communication Association (Life Member), 1992-
Selected to serve as Division Chair, Intergroup Communication Interest Group, 2011-2012
Selected to serve as Division Chair, Intergroup Communication Interest Group, 2010-2011
Selected to serve as Vice-Chair, Intergroup Communication Interest Group, 2009-2010
Selected to serve as Vice-Chair Elect, Intergroup Communication Interest Group, 2008-2009
Invited to serve as Editor, “The Savvy Scholar: Teaching, Research, and Practice.” ICA Quarterly Newsletter, 2000-2003.
Nominated for International Communication Association Dissertation of the Year Award, 2001 International Communication Association Excellence in Teaching Award. Presented by the Instructional and Developmental Division of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada, 1997.
Robert Kibler Memorial Research Award: The function of humor within the lives of older adults. Presented by the Instructional and Developmental Division of the International Communication Association, Sydney, Australia, 1994.
Invited to serve as Speaker, Manuscript Reviewer, Panel Member, Chair, and/or Respondent, (Instructional and Developmental, Health Communication Divisions, 1992-, and Intergroup Communication Division), 2004-
Eastern Communication Association (Life Member),
1999- Nominated to serve as First Vice President Elect-Select, Eastern Communication Association, 2007. Selected to serve as Editor, Communication Research Reports, 2005-2007
Selected to serve on Executive Council, 2004-2009
Top Three Research Paper: Health Communication Division of the Eastern Communication Association, 2004.
Top Three Research Paper: Health Communication Division of the Eastern Communication Association, 2002.
Invited to serve as Division Chair, Health Communication Division, 2001-02
Invited to serve as Division Chair and Coordinator, Basic Course Workshop, Portland, ME, 2001
Top Three Research Paper: Health Communication Division of the Eastern Communication Association, 2000. Invited to serve as Vice-Chair, Health Communication Division, 2000-01
Invited to serve as Vice-Chair Elect, Health Communication Division, 1999-2000
Invited to serve as Manuscript Reviewer, Panel Member, Chair, and/or Respondent, (Health Communication Division and Basic Courses Workshop), 1999-
Central States Communication Association
Invited to serve as Panel Member
Invited to serve as Speaker
Western States Communication Association
Top Three Research Paper: Communication Theory and Research Division, 1998.
Top Three Research Paper: Health Communication Division, 2011.
Invited to serve as Panel Member Gerontological Society of America, 1999- Invited to serve as Manuscript Reviewer, Panel Member, Chair, and/or Respondent, (Social Science, Policy and Practice Division), 1992-
American Association for Cancer Research, 2008-
Invited to serve as Speaker
American Public Health Association, 2002-
Invited to serve as Speaker
International Academy of Business Disciplines, 2004-
Invited to serve as Speaker
Partnership for Anthrax Vaccine Education, 2005-
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1995-
Kappa Alpha Theta, 1984- Inaugural Advisory Board Chair (ABC) President-Eta Sigma Chapter, Chapman University, 2008- Advisory Board-Alpha Omicron Chapter, University of Oklahoma, 1996. Outstanding Senior “Sisterhood Award”, Alpha Omicron Chapter, University of Oklahoma, 1987-88.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 1981-
Young Life, 1985-Invited to serve as Leader, Norman High School, OK, 1985-1988.
Smithsonian Associate, 1999-
Phillips Collection Associate, 2003-
Corcoran Museum of Art Associate, 2004-
SFMOMA Associate, 2010-
Chamber Music OC Board Member, 2013-
PAC-SUN Women’s Tennis League (alternate), 2013-
St. John’s Episcopal Church, (Vicar, Fr. John Taylor), Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, 2006- Ministry Leader, Fit First Sundays Family Hiking Ministry, 2010-2014. Ministry Co-Leader, (with D.J. Gomer), Caregiving Mosaics Ministry, 2014- Parish Representative, Diocese of Los Angeles National Convention, 2015-16.