Jill Goslinga
Grant Thornton Faculty Fellow Lecturer
University of Florida
Warrington College of Business
Fisher School of Accounting
PO Box 117166
315 GER
Gainesville, Florida 32611-7166
Email address: ude.lfu.notgnirraw|agnilsog.llij#ude.lfu.notgnirraw|agnilsog.llij
2004 - Masters of Accounting and Juris Doctor degrees, University of Florida
1996-2000 – Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree from the Fisher School
- Lecturer, University of Florida. She teaches ACG 2021, Introduction to Financial Accounting, in the undergraduate program. She also teaches ACG 5005, Financial Accounting, and ACG 5075, Managerial Accounting, for the specialized graduate programs in the college.
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA),
- Member of the Florida Bar.
She was instrumental in transforming the Introduction to Financial Accounting course in to an engaging electronic platform format taken by over 1,500 students each year. Her effort in the classroom was recognized by students who selected her as the Undergraduate Faculty Member of the Year – Fisher School of Accounting (2009-2010), awarded by the Warrington College of Business Administration. Jill Goslinga has been appointed Grant Thornton Faculty Fellow at the Fisher School of Accounting.