Our mentors and tutors elevate our learning experience of academic writing from great to amazing, pushing us to achieve excellence.
AcademicWriting mentors have decades’ worth of experience under their belts from such noteworthy companies as CourseHero, Chegg and Brainly, so we can rest assured that their cumulative knowledge of the industry is second to none. Through them, we’ll get insights, connections, and industry-related knowledge that no textbook could ever teach.
Faris Odish
James Tracy
Jill Goslinga
Joslyn Korrin Ahlgren
Victor V. Magagna
Laura Peterson
Katherine Dettwyler
Arup R. Guha
Bo Nalley
Olga Perez Stable Cox
Melissa Click
Karim Asghari
James Franco
Alexander Coward
Beatrice Constante
Daniel Brewster
David Peritz
Dr. Lindy Archambeau
Gilbert Strang
John C. Banko
Jon Stewart
Kathryn Pearson
Ken Swan
Dr. Lisa Sparks
Marina Langlois
Michel van Biezen