Every single year there the number of students who would like to study abroad increases in geometrical progression. If twenty or ten years ago studying in foreign country was unachievable dream for most of people, nowadays it became rather possible. One should just choose the program that suits his pocket and interests among the great number of programs suggested. Or one can study at home university. There are their own advantages and disadvantages in each way of studying.
First of all, foreign universities and colleges offer a lot of programs for international students. There is no need to say that their educational system is more effective. There are the number of such universities, which are admitted to be the most prestigious in the world, such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, University of Tokyo, University College London, etcetera. The diplomas of such universities are highly thought of in all the countries and it is very perspective to make a good career. Besides, universities abroad, as a rule, suggest a better living and studying conditions and possibilities for travelling and developing your outlook and foreign speech. You meet people from all over the world and know more about other cultures and ways of living.
However, there are disadvantages too. As for it, the prices for education abroad are very high. If you manage to get some grant for studying, the money for a living there will be also not the cheapest at all. Moreover, at the first time there will be no close people to appeal to, if you get into troubles. And of course you will miss you family and friends far away from you. On the other hand, you will become more independent and self-confident.
What about studying inside your own country, the advantages are that you do not need to get through the adaptation, the condition and atmosphere are relative to you. People you love always near from you and ready to support. Furthermore, sometimes the level of education just as good as in some foreign universities. It depends on the university.
The disadvantages of studying at home country are the following: the conditions of studying and living are much worse, it is more difficult to find a job after graduation, as the diplomas are not as valuable as abroad diplomas. It is widely known that education in our country not financed well. In addition to this, some of our students study far from home, for example, in central universities in Moscow or St.Petersburg. Although they are situated inside the country, the prices for education and living reaches as high as in foreign countries, and it is not saying about the prices for flights between these cities and home.
In spite of everything stated above, to my mind, if there is a possibility to go to study abroad, one must use it. As it is the incomparable experience and worth all the spent money and effort.