The Most Popular Career Choices For Young People In Russia I

Russia is the industrial country, which is developing rapidly last years. To not be left behind other countries, Russia should prepare proper human resources.
It is impossible to imagine the future without technical progress. So, to march in step with the time, the organizations and companies of our country will have to enlist the best representatives of this profession. Therefore, in five years IT specialists of all kinds of directions will be highly required.
The humanity has discovered planets and continents, animals and plans, it opened the laws of nature and created the culture in its complete meaning. But several years ago, there a new way of knowledge occurred. It is nanotechnology. It opened a new era of mankind’s history. Therefore, scientists in nanotechnologies are going to be highly demanded. Nowadays there are several directions in this sector. All the developed countries in the world competing in this sector, as the break in such technologists determines the leading position of the country.
As every single year the amount of inhabitants of our planet is increasing in geometrical progression. The solution of the problem of overpopulation, food and resources shortage must be found in nearest future. The human beings must also find a new ways of getting energy. It will be the purpose of selectionists, geneticist engineers and specialists on alternative energy. I am sure that the future is in the hand of the scientists.
Asian region is developing politically and economically year by year. As Russian Federation has a high level of interaction with Asian region, translators and linguistic specialists will be demanded. However, multilingual specialists will be more successful in career in the future.
Moreover, there are such professions, which will be demanded at all times. For instance, teachers. This profession has been always demanded, but still it is not paid fittingly. I hope, in the future it will be corrected. The profession of teachers will never loose its actuality also in connection with increasing birth rate in our country and due to the national project.
In this category it is should be mentioned the profession of doctors and nurses. In the next five years, until robot doctors and nurses are not invented yet, the human resources will demanded, too.
Of course, it is difficult to forecast without knowing what is going to happen in the world in five years. Although, I think, Russian Federation will continue developing and will take its deserved place among another countries.

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