What Makes Me Special Tit

Let me introduce myself – My name is Tit. It is rather short name than other people's name. Some people think that this name is unusual enough. But not in my family. Because my grandfather(Kim) had a very specific habit – to give ancient names for the boys in family. Thus he named his sons as Spartak and Arcadiy. When I was born in 1988, he asked my mother to name me as Tit. He said that it is a very good name and has antique origin. It means from Latin “Honor” and “Respect”. I am proud of my name. It is a very rare name that I have never met people with such name. So I think, that my name makes me special.

Marina Ionarievna It was interesting to know the origin and meaning of your name. I think it would be better if your groupmates characterized your personality as well. So, that I could learn more about your personal qualities. Please, ask them to give a short description of your character.

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