Write About A Person You Well Know Anka Glushak

Perhaps I must describe my best friend but I’ll try to depict a picture of my mother.

She is 50 years and she has only one child and it’s me of cause. She has a work which she likes very much. She works in a music school. When I was a child she forced me to finish this school. I hated it but my mother has a strong character and that’s why I finished it. When she was a child she wanted to be a music teacher and in 1980 she entered in Music College. It shows that she is very purposeful person. She always tells me that I must be as she. Everyone knows that she is affable kind communicative and impartial person. For me she is wise attentive patient and affectionate mother. I know that she is hard-working and this is the main strain of her. She likes to help people and sometimes without any reasons I think.

She likes music and every time she and her ensemble which named “Kirakha” sing in different concerts ant parties. They gathered together when I was 7 years old. When I was a child they went in others villages to give concerts every time. But of cause not only with their ensemble they went with. They always made dresses and sew it and I always wanted to wear her dresses and I was doing it at home of cause. There were so beautiful and shining. Mother taught me sew dresses for my dolls. I tried to do it my better. Last year I tried to sew dress for my self but it was awful.

I so proud that my mother is so wise woman and I can’t imagine my life without her advices and admonitions.

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